Wednesday, 2 January 2019

events high

Monday, 3 April 2017

To connect to all the wisdom and all the good that is the intelligence of the Universe, you must be in alignment with it. To do as the past greats did and get on to the frequency of unlimited possibilities, all wisdom, all power and all good, which is permanently available to each and every one of us, you must know that this infinite creative power exists, and radiate all good in your mind and your heart.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Tips for maintaining a healthy mind

Just as physical activity keeps your body strong, mental activity keeps the mind sharp and agile. Challenging the mind and continuous learning not only keep the mind healthy, they impact our entire physical well-being. When you want a plant to grow, you give it water, sun and nourishment. Our brain is very similar. Regardless of age, new dendrites, the connections between nerve cells that allow cells to communicate with each other, are produced. New connections help you to store and retrieve information more easily, even if the gray matter is covered with gray hair. Mental decline is NOT a part of normal aging. 

Tips for maintaining a healthy mind: 

Staying physically active reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, stroke, and osteoporosis.
• Daily exercise of only 30 minutes can improve blood flow to the brain. 
• At any age the brain continues to absorb information, make new connections, acquire new skills and enhance memory. 
• Social interaction is key to the human experience and to keeping the mind sharp. 
• Seek positive social interaction by staying involved with friends and family. 
• Volunteer— it gets you out of the house and involved with others. 
• Reduce stress. Normal aging can make the mind less efficient, but don’t stress about it. 
• Exercise and challenge your mind daily with puzzles, games, and mental exercises. 
• Healthy aging requires good nutrition and a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, breads and cereals which contain folic acid, Vitamin B12 and thiamin to keep the memory healthy. 
• Water is an essential part of humans and needed for good memory. Lack of water leads to dehydration. Choose water over soda and coffee as these can lead to dehydration and fatigue. 
• A positive attitude leads to more focus, increased memory and alertness. 
• Vary your activity to keep the mind strong and healthy. Creativity in everyday life provides excellent mental stimulation. 

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Dimag ki Batti Jalao... or Kushiyali laao

Insight Counseling Center
Neha Satam Rane (Counsellor, Trainer & Motivational Speaker)
9870742503 / 9022557487