Wednesday, 6 April 2016


Stress is most familiar word for all of you. this stress become one of the common factor of each one of us life.Stress has been linked to up to 75% of disease, but that doesn’t mean all stress is negative or bad for you. In fact, a certain amount of stress helps motivate you and keeps you on your toes. It’s when stress reaches high levels, or is persistent that it becomes dangerous, and this is why it’s so important to learn how to deal with it effectively.

Is there a difference between stress, anxiety and tension or they are same?
Stress, anxiety and tension are terms often used to describe the same thing, but they’re actually different.
Anxiety refers to a state of being anxious about danger and being overly concerned about the future. Anxiety is not usually linked to a specific person, situation or experience – it’s a vague, undefined, tense feeling of dread which is difficult to control.

Stress refers to an effort or demand on a person’s physical or mental energy. Stress produces the same feelings as anxiety, but is usually linked to a specific person, situation or experience that one fears.

Tension, on the other hand, refers to mental strain or excitement, a strained state or relationship. If the symptoms are experienced acutely, it’s referred to as a panic attack.

What all these definitions have in common is that individuals experience excessive uneasiness.

How to de-stress

Stress becomes detrimental when you start feeling as though you have no control over the situation. A healthy person isn’t someone who’s free of problems, but rather someone who’s able to deal with them. If you find yourself faced with a task that seems impossible, try breaking it up into manageable stages and then tackle each one individually. Take help of closed person. Open up and discuss.

 Change approach towards Problem
If you define a problem as overwhelming, it’ll appear impossible to solve – also, if you think about a problem on your own, you only have one point of view. A friend, colleague or family member can help give you a different perspective and potential solution to the problem.
Insight Funda............
"Bend and you will be whole.
Curl and you will be straight.
Keep empty and you will be filled.
Grow old and you will be renewed.
Just learn to ride on wave and you will be achiever"

Insight Counseling Center
Neha Satam Rane (Counsellor, Trainer & Motivational Speaker)
9870742503 / 9022557487

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